Media Wall

The Media Wall is the centerpiece of the HCC lobby. It is designed to be a canvas for student media creations and a central art piece for the building.

The HCC lobby with the HCC Media Wall featured

For information on current and past exhibits, visit

Create for the Media Wall

The Media Wall showcases projects created by UMW students as well as professional guest artists.

Work can be submitted via the Media Wall Submission form.

This form can only be accessed with a UMW email address. If you don’t have a UMW email address but are interested in submitting work, please contact us at

Submission Guidelines

  1. Submissions can be video or still images, though video is preferred.
  2. Submissions should be formatted for a 1200×1920 portrait-oriented display.
  3. Submissions should have no audio, or should be understandable when played without sound.
  4. Submissions should not have excessive flickering/strobing or highly mature themes.

Creators may use our Canva Template to aid in designing for the Wall.

The Media Wall does not accept ad submissions. If you are interested in advertising in the HCC, see our Advertising page.