Equipment Checkout

The HCC Info Desk has a wide variety of equipment you can check out, free of charge, for class or personal projects. The program is available to all staff and students.

Check our full inventory and availability through this search.

Equipment Kits

Kits are collections of equipment designed to assist with digital creation projects.

components of the photography kit

Photography Kit
Video Tutorials | Kit Info

components of a tripod kit

Tripod Kit
Video Tutorials | Kit Info

components of a computer kit

Computer Kit
Kit Info







components of a production studio kit

Production Studio Kit
Kit Info







Some kits can be combined to enhance the quality of your projects.

  • The microphones in an Audio Kit can connect to the camera in a Video Kit to enhance the audio quality of your video projects.
  • Light Kits can attach to the camera in a Photography or Video Kit to improve light quality. They can also attach to a Tripod Kit to work as an independent light stand.
  • Tripod Kits can attach to the camera in a Photography or Video Kit to improve photo or video stability.

Initial Loan Period:

  • 3 days

Kit Renewal:

  • Kits can be renewed for an additional 3 days. You must renew the kit on the 3rd day of your initial loan period.
  • You can renew kits at the HCC Info Desk or online via your library account. See instructions for kit renewal here.
  • Immediate Check in/Check out is not permitted on kits. You must wait one day before you can start another loan on the same type of kit.

Late Return Fine:

  • $5 for each day the item is returned late.

All kits must be returned in person.

Other Equipment

Loan Period:

  • 24 hours (Return by end of day)


  • No renewals, but items can be checked in and checked back out at the HCC desk if needed, or returned in the overnight box after hours.

Late Return Fine:

  • $5 for each day the item is returned late.


  • Phone chargers (various models)
  • Laptop chargers (various models)
  • Dry erase markers and eraser for glassboards and whiteboards in building
  • Computer mice
  • Calculators
  • Webcams
  • HDMI cables
  • Wireless presenters with laser pointer
  • Adapters (various models)

Please check our catalog for current availability.

Fines and Fees at the Hurley Convergence Center (HCC)

Revised 01/07/2022


  • Late Fines – Fines are accrued on a daily basis for each item a patron might have checked out. Each day past the due date that an item is not returned it will accrue a $5 late fine.  So, if you return an item two days late you will accrue a $10 fine. If you have two items and they are both two days late you will accrue a $20 fine.   
  • Lost – An item is declared “LOST” when it has not been returned for 7 days after the due date.


Even though the checkout system (Alma) automatically applies a dollar value to all Late Fines, we do not require patrons to pay these fines. Instead, the fines work as a strike system. Fines will be waived a certain number of times each semester as noted below under “Late Fine Policy.” After the maximum number of infractions, the patron’s account will be placed on hold, and they will no longer be able to check out equipment at the HCC for the rest of the semester.  

Note that this hold is for HCC equipment only. Patrons can still check out books from UMW Libraries when their HCC account is on hold.

The above policy does not apply to Lost Item Replacements Costs. If a patron keeps an item longer than seven days past the due date, it is declared lost, and the patron is charged the replacement cost of the item. The patron may return the item to get the charge refunded or if the item is lost the replacement costs will be sent to Student Accounts in Lee Hall where they can pay for the lost item. Lost Item Replacement Costs are never waived.

Late Fines Policy

Hold after 3 strikes

A patron may accrue Late Fines up to $15 twice per semester without repercussions. The third time a patron keeps an item past the due date in a semester, their account will be blocked for the rest of that semester.

Lost Item Policy

Hold after 2 strikes

A patron may accrue Lost Item Replacement Costs only once per semester without repercussions. The second time a patron keeps an item long enough that it is declared lost (this happens 7 days after an item’s due date), their account will be blocked for the rest of that semester. In addition, a student’s account will remain blocked until the lost item is returned, or the replacement cost is paid.

HCC staff reserve the right to extend this block into additional semesters at their discretion.