The HCC Lobby is a gateway to spaces and services throughout the Convergence Center. As you enter the building, at the front of the lobby is the HCC Information Desk which is staffed during most days and evenings. Info Desk aides can assist visitors with finding spaces in the building and locating services through the many units and offices that occupy the Convergence Center. The Desk is also the location for checkout of equipment (EagleOne ID required).
The centerpiece of the Lobby is the two-story Media Wall. Surrounding the wall and interspersed throughout the space is furniture with built-in AC and USB power. The glass collaboration rooms and open collaboration spaces circle the South side of the Lobby. Along the wall that fronts Campus Walk are eight computer workstations (UMW netid required). A full function copy machine is avaialble to copy, scan or print your own jobs from HCC computers or via webprinting from your own computer.
Behind the Information Desk is the 2nd floor conference room, one of six reservable conference rooms in the HCC.